We begin to lose weight from the "head". The psychotherapist named 13 mistakes of those who dream of "losing weight by summer"

In order not to bite the cabbage leaf in thoughts, why once again you fail to lose weight, you need to prepare for a diet in advance. And it is better to start such training from the "head", says Tatiana Karavaeva, head of the department for the treatment of borderline mental disorders and psychotherapy. The doctor said it hinders the realization of spring dreams of an ideal figure by summer.

how to make yourself lose weight

- This spring is special. In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, it was impossible to lead an active lifestyle, and at home to the refrigerator, overcoming anxiety and stress, you will not lose much weight, "said Dr. Tatiana Karavaeva, head of the Department of Borderline Mental Disorders and Psychotherapy"In the spring, the incidence has dropped a bit, some have already received anti-vaccinations, the sun is increasingly visible on the street. So you can take on your figure. "

Mistakes that prevent you from losing weight

Why doesn't everyone manage to pass the test of the diet and finish what they started? And it's often not about willpower. According to the psychotherapist, for example, incorrectly chosen motivation or unrealistic goals can interfere. "Doctor Peter" together with Tatiana Karavaeva listed the main mistakes of those who dream of losing weight.

Mistake number 1. Weight loss in search of a prince

Before going on a diet, it is important to choose the right motivation. First, honestly answer the question, "Why do I want to lose weight? " If a woman wants to lose weight to feel better and look good, then you can act. But if she associates success in her personal life with weight loss, problems can arise. She thinks, "I'm going to lose weight now - I'm going to find a man I love. " But in the end, besides being overweight, there may be other reasons why she has no connection. Such a woman loses weight, but still has no connection - a man with a bouquet of flowers does not meet her every day. And then comes the disappointment, and from the thought "it was all in vain" she starts eating again without limits and gaining weight. It's important to understand that slimness will not make you friends, happy, successful or rich. personal relationships, success is in the field of psychology, not nutrition.

Mistake number 2. We sleep badly - do not lose weight

Good sleep really helps you lose weight. At night, especially during the first phase of sleep, the hormone somatotropin is produced in the pituitary gland. Without it, it is almost impossible to lose weight, even with strict dietary restrictions. It is not in vain that nutritionists, when compiling a program for a patient, write "sleep normalization" as the first element. If you have shallow and intermittent sleep, you should try to establish the correct "sleep-wake" regime before the diet.

Error number 3. We want to lose 20 kilograms quickly

In any business, it is important to set realistic goals. For example, to lose 5 kg in 2 months, not 25. First, it is healthier. And secondly, difficult tasks that can not be solved can lead to frustration (a mental condition that occurs when desires do notcoincide with available options) and neurotic disorders.

It happens that a person's personal characteristics interfere with weight loss. The same perfectionism. Such a person wants to immediately reach the "ideal" weight - to lose 40 pounds. When he realizes that the goal is unattainable, the motivation disappears - he just gives up and gives up all diets. Serious weight loss can be achieved in more than a year and in several stages. But our psyche rarely accepts such long-term goals.

There are also people with a dichotomous or "black and white" type of thinking (when they categorically evaluate the events, themselves and others) - adhere to the principle of "either all or nothing". Such a person adheres to a diet, eats cabbage, and then suddenly eats caramel and thinks: "I have already broken the diet anyway, now everything is meaningless. " It is necessary to work with these personal qualities and, as a rule, can not. done without the help of a psychologist.

Mistake number 4. Adherence to a heavy diet

Sticking to a strict diet is not worth it - it's bad for your health. Even if you manage to lose the required amount of weight, you can hardly keep the result. It is better to strive for proper nutrition: with a normal content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, partial meals - in small portions 5 times a day. If you are starving and thinking about food all day, then there is a great risk of breaking away and ruining everything.

Mistake № 5. Do not eat after six

It is harmful both to drink at night and to take a long break from eating. The idea that the "don't eat after six" rule is useful is essentially a myth. By refusing to eat after 6 pm, you can really lose weight at first, but then everything you've lost will come back quickly. The body is touching. If he realizes that you can deprive him of food for more than 12 hours and in principle everything can be expected from the owner, then he begins to store fat. It is optimal to have the last snack 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Error number 6. I'm not looking for recipes in advance

Previously, nutritionists recommended a set of foods - which should be limited in the diet, which should be used more often. They now understand that it is difficult for many to switch from the usual recipes to the right ones, so they immediately offer recipes for healthy meals. For example, how can you cook the same delicious cabbage? In order not to bite just a cabbage leaf and enjoy your diet, you need to find suitable recipes for you on the Internet in advance.

Error № 7. Fast food

The feeling of fullness does not come immediately. The satiety signal reaches the brain about 20-30 minutes after it actually started. So do not rush to the table. When you feel full, you actually eat 2-3 times more than you need. Eat slowly and leave the table a little hungry.

Error number 8. Watching TV and eating from big plates

There are a few psychological tricks to help you eat less. For example, properly selected dishes. The small plates on the table allow you to psychologically "saturate" with a small portion - in a deep large plate it will look sparse. Beautiful dishes will help you enjoy the food, taste it. When you try to smell, try a dish, then satiety comes with less eaten.

Another way is to give up TV and table gadgets. Distracted by watching a movie or news on the Internet, we swallow mechanically and do not notice how we eat more than we should.

Error number 9. We keep cakes at home

When a person is hungry, he begins to eat whatever he wants. If you have rolls, mayonnaise, pastries at home, then it is very difficult to restrain - the hand itself will reach for them. If you have to go to the store for them, there is a chance you will be able to stop.

Mistake number 10. Capturing resentment and anger

The reasons for the interruptions must be eliminated "on the shore". Before dieting, think: "What does food mean to me and when I want to eat something tasty and harmful? " The main reasons may be different - you need to find out which one you have.

There is, for example, psychogenic overeating - the consumption of large amounts of food due to emotional problems, as a result - a person gains weight or can not lose weight. In this case, a simple diet will not help, as anxiety will increase. There is a psychogenic overeating group in our center. We work with people who capture resentment, anxiety, anger, irritability. When food becomes the main way to relieve emotional stress, all attempts to lose weight end in failure. We see many women who have tried to lose weight more than once, but have managed to do so only after working with a specialist. His goal is to understand the root causes of negative emotions and learn to deal with them in other ways. If a person breaks up every time after each trip to the parental home and quarrels with his mother, in the first place, this situation must be developed.

Error № 11. A glass of wine will save calories.

We often do not notice snacks - candy eaten by a car frog, a sandwich caught on the run. In fact, there are many such "inconspicuous" moments during the day - they should be recorded in your food diary. Some people think that they will drink a glass of dry wine and save food. But this usually does not work. Any alcohol increases appetite and a glasswine can soon be used as an appetizer with high-calorie cheese and grapes, and then french fries. But for some reason many do not consider a piece of cheese or grapes for food.

Error number 12. We are constantly weighing ourselves

To monitor the dynamics of weight, it is not necessary to weigh yourself every day - 1-2 times a week is enough. Weight depends on many reasons - the amount of fluid you drink, your menstrual cycle, time, etc. If you get up too often on the scales, you can see the "plus" and get upset. It is also important to properly record the results of weighingFor example, you managed to lose weight in a few days, indicate this success not by writing down the next number, but "77 - 1" - this is more visual and has a better psychological effect. It is also advisable to reward for your success -but not with chocolate, pamper yourself, for example, by buying aromatic bath foam or a new blouse to highlight your weight loss achievements.

But no matter how you lose weight, you need to remember - there are periods in which the weight will "stand". This can last 1-2 weeks and is associated with metabolic, hormonal processes. It is necessary to treat such behavior of the organism with understanding, not to be discouraged and not to think that everything is lost.

Mistake number 13. Food is the only pleasure

If your life seems boring and boring without sweets, you need to do something about it. We need to find something else that brings joy and something to be distracted with pleasure - sports, a good movie, walks, creativity. If there is only one mechanism for solving emotional problems - cake or fast food, then failures occur.

In general, it is important to form the right psychological attitudes from childhood. Parents often tell their children that burgers are bad. At the same time, where does everyone like to celebrate children's birthdays? In fast food restaurants. This forms the child's idea that burgers are the best food because they are associated with a holiday, promotion. Also, food often becomes the only way to communicate in a family - everyone sits in their gadgets and only at dinner can look each other in the eye and talk. The idea is that you can only communicate at the table.